मियां बीवी में मोहब्बत पैदा करने की दुआ, ईश्वर ने सभी रिश्ते खूबसूरत बनाएं है।लेकिन मियां बीवी के रिश्ते को उसने मोहब्बत के साथ सभी रिश्तो से (अफ़ज़ल /विशेष) बनाया है। मिया बीवी एक दूसरे की हर मुश्किल हालात में एक दूसरे का साथ निभाने के साथ हर मुसीबत हर दुख को मिलजुलकर के बड़ी ही मोहब्बत और प्यार के साथ गुजार देते हैं।
इसीलिए ईश्वर ने इसको सभी रिश्ते से ऊपर दर्जा अता करा है। मियां बीवी के रिश्ते में सच्चाई, मोहब्बत ,विश्वास इन सभी गुणों का होना बहुत ही जरूरी होता है।इन सभी गुणों के कारण ही मियां बीवी का रिश्ता एक खूबसूरत रिश्ते में तब्दील होता है।
मियां बीवी का रिश्ता किस तरह बना है
मियां बीवी का रिश्ता पहले से ही ईश्वर आसमान में बना देता है।(किसी संपर्क /कनेक्शन) द्वारा दो अजनबीयो को एक दूसरे से मिला देता है। और एक दूसरे का साथ किस्मत में लिख देता है।
अगर मियां बीवी के ताल्लुकात अच्छे नहीं हैं और उनके बीच अनबन हो रही है लड़ाई झगड़े बढ़ते ही जा रहे हैं। आप अपने रिश्ते को फिर से मोहब्बत से भरना चाहते हैं। तो आपको सबसे पहले मौलवी के पास जाना चाहिए। मौलवी साहब द्वारा बताई गई सभी दुआओं के साथ उन की बातों पर अमल करना चाहिए।
मोहब्बत पैदा करने के लिए मियां बीवी को अपना एक-एक कोई साफ कपड़ा लेना चाहिए। और उन कपड़ों को एक बर्तन में चंदन के तेल में डूबा कर रख देना चाहिए।फिर कपड़ों को निकाल कर सुखा लें।सूखे हुए कपड़े को पेड़ में टांग दे। ध्यान रखें कि उन पेड़ों पर अपने कपड़े टांगे जिन पेड़ों पर फूल और फल आने वाले हो।ऐसा करने से मियां बीवी के रिश्ते में मोहब्बत पैदा होगी।
Dua For Husband And Wife Problems or to bring husband and wife closer can be use for solve misunderstanding between husband and wife. We also provide you solution about what dua to read that increase love between husband and wife?
Fights between husband and wife are regular. But if there are frequent problems, then you need a solution. You have to take measures to resolve the issues. You need a solution that will solve the problems between husband and wife. For example, you can use the dua for husband and wife problems.
We are sure you now want to know the dua that has to be said. But before we tell you about the dua for husband and wife problems, there are some things that you must keep in mind. First, make sure that you have a clear heart and mind.
Dua For Husband And Wife Problems
The dua must not be used for wrong things. Secondly, you must first try to speak with each other and try to resolve the problems. Finally, check with an Islamic expert about the process of this dua.
Now here is a brief idea about the dua for husband and wife problems. First of all, here is the dua. It is
Every day first say your namaz. Next, you have to take a glass of drinking water. Now suppose the above dua 100 times. Next, blow on the water three times. Finally, both the husband and wife must drink three sips of this water. Remember to follow this process for 45 days. You will surely get the results for the same.
Dua To Bring Husband And Wife Closer, A relationship between husband and wife will be successful only if there is love between them. If you think that you and your partner are not very close to each other in that case, you can make use of the dua to bring husband and wife closer. This dua will resolve issues and will rekindle the flame of love between the husband and wife.
The process for the dua to bring husband and wife closer should be followed precisely. Firstly, here is the dua. It is Bismillaa heyaal waasaao Jaallaah Jaalaaluhoo. First of all, you have to sit in a clean place. Next, you have to say the Durood Sharif. This has to be told 11 times. Secondly, say this dua. It has to be said 100 times. Finally, again you have to say the Durood Sharif 11 times.
Ideally, you will get the desired results in a few days. But if you feel that the dua to bring husband and wife closer is not working in that case you need expert advice. Firstly, find the best Islamic expert. Tell him the issues. This expert will give you the best possible advice. He will provide you with solutions that will help you and your spouse to overcome the problems that exist between the two of you.
Dua For Misunderstanding Between Husband And Wife, Sometimes there are no real problems as such between the husband and the wife. It can be just misunderstandings between them. These misunderstandings can result in many issues.
For example, it can lead to fights. It can also reduce the love between the husband and wife. In the worst cases, it can even lead to separation. Therefore, you must try to get rid of the misunderstandings by making use of dua for misunderstanding between husband and wife.
Firstly, the husband must offer 2 Rakatnafilnamaz before leaving the house and after entering it. Next, in the case of dua for misunderstanding between husband and wife, both the partners must read the book Manzil daily. You must then blow on the entire house. Finally, make it a point to say la hawlawalaaquwwataillabillah. This has to be told 40 times daily.
These are some of the standard procedures for the dua for misunderstanding between husband and wife. One can surely get the results provided the procedure is followed correctly. In case the person is not very sure about the process, then they must talk to a Molviji who can guide them.
Along with these remedies, it is also important that the husband and wife speak to each other. They must try to clear the misunderstandings between them. Only this way can they live happily with each other.
FAQ About Dua For Husband And Wife Problems
What Dua To Read That Increase Love Between Husband And Wife?
If there love between the husband and wife, then nothing can create trouble in their paradise. Therefore, one must do dua to increase love between the partners. Now many of you may want to know what dua to read that increases love between husband and wife. We will tell you the dua but first, remember some rules. First of all, you must not use this dua for the wrong things. Secondly, you must read the dua with a pure heart. Thirdly along with the dua, both the partners must take efforts to increase the love between them. Now here is the answer to your question what dua to read that increase love between husband and wife? Firstly, take a glass of water. Next, say bismillahirrahmanirRaheem. You have to say this 786 times. Next, blow on the glass of water. Finally, make your spouse drink this water. There is one more process that you can follow. Take some red roses. Next, say Surah Quraysh. Next, blow on the roses. Finally, you and your spouse must smell the red roses together. Both the processes are the answer to your question what dua to read that increase love between husband and wife? There is one more process that we would like to tell you. Take some sweets. Next, recite Surah Muzammil. You have to say this 41 times. Now blow on the sweets. Finally, let your spouse eat those sweets. You must also say Al Wadoodo 1000 times. You must say Al Maaniu whenever you get time. All these procedures will generally give the best results. But if these things do not work, then there is some severe issue. For this, you will need the guidance of an expert you can give you the best solution for all your problems.