Dua For Angry Child, Angry children are hard to handle. They can react badly in front of other people. It’s a shame for any parent to have an angry child who loses temper and uses bad words. Such children speak trash and are utterly shameless. Does your child behave in the same way? The following dua is for you to control the anger of your child.
Pray to Allah to stand for you in this hard time and make an ablution.
Recite Durood-e-Shareef for 11 times with concentration.
Read the verse mentioned for 1100 times and read Durood-e-Shareef for 11 times once more.
Now, blow air on water and offer this water to your child to drink.
With Allah’s blessings, your child will forget getting angry and start dealing with hard situations differently.
Women shouldn’t read the dua during the days of menstruation.
Father’s can read the dua during those days.
You will get the best results with Allah’s blessings in days to come. It’s important to have a check on your child’s behavior. Extreme anger can destroy their mental growth.
They should learn to behave correctly to grow in life. They have to join professions in the coming years. You cannot be with them all the time. Hence, it’s your responsibility to prepare them for the world beforehand.
Dua For Child Behavior or for teenage son can be use for aggressive child. Get Solution about what dua to read for disobedient child from our Islamic expert.
What Dua Use For Child Behavior?
They say a child is a reflection of his parents. Thus, he picks up things from them. Maybe that is the reason why his surroundings matter. No matter what, act with caution. Also, no parents can keep their children on guard all the time.
When he moves out, he takes things from outside. Thus, to control his behavior all the time is not possible. But, Allah, the mighty, has a solution to everything. Put him or her in his constant guard. Therefore, let him be ‘Khudayas Hawal.’
Your concern towards your child is entirely valid. But, you need to put in some effort. Also, you need to maintain a friendly relationship with your child. Let him know that you are there. There is a stage in which every child throws tantrums.
Dua For Child Behaviour
And, parents tend to overthink things. A little mischief is acceptable. Therefore, don’t take things that seriously. But if there are some serious issues. He or she tends to create troubles. Then, Inshallah Allah will help you. He will imbue your child with calmness.
Procedure About Dua For Child Behavior
Your child’s behavior can be a cause of worry at times. So, if it is out of bounds. Also, if he is naughty beyond limits. Therefore you can always pray to Allah. Furthermore, you should analyze the situation thoroughly.
This dua will help remove your child’s disobedience—all you need to have little faith in Allah’s doing.
Read the given dua after every Salah.
Have the name of your child in your mind.
The dua is as follows:
“Wa as-lih lee fee thur-ri-yah-tee. In nee tub tuhilaykawainneeminalmuslimeen”.
Inshallah, he or she will always start listening to you. Moreover, you should try to understand things.
Dua For Teenage Son
Teenage is the period in which rebellion is the answer. No matter what you say, they do contradict. As a result, your child disobeys each word. An inner conflict goes on inside your child.
So, every parent has to face this. Furthermore, it depends on your reaction. So, here, you need the utmost patience. To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So, dealing here matters the most. Observe first.
Your teenage sons can be in real trouble. As to stop them is relatively tight. They can walk out of the home anytime. And, in their rebellious angst. They do things they shouldn’t. If this is the case with you, then all you have to do is bear a little.
Deal with your sons with a bit of patience. And, your anger will make them more hostile. I understand that it is a difficult period. And, every day seems like a struggle. As your sons offer you new challenges. And, you think that it is the time that you act.
Therefore, with a fresh mind, seek Allah’s help. He is the knower and the bestowed. And, indeed, can pull your sons on the right track. At the same time, don’t do anything to make the situation worse.
The Procedure of The Dua For Teenage Son
Certainly, Allah will help pull you out in that regard. But, a lot depends on how you handle your current situation. May Allah deliver your misery soon.Now, recite the following dua:
“Rabbi Hamhuma Kama RabBayaneesagheera”
Recite it as much as you can. Inshallah, your teenage son will stay on the right track. As a result, all your worries will go away.
Dua For The Aggressive Child
Confident kids have aggressive tendencies. Moreover, they roam around being angry all the time. Small things trigger them. Or they cry all the time. So all the time you got to deal with a cranky kid. And, you wonder what you are doing wrong. It is just the nature of your kid. And, love can help you out. You cannot work here with aggression. As they will pick up that acta from you.
If they are stubborn, then first learn to observe because you are a parent. You cannot be foolish. So, in this case. Your right actions matter the most. And, with the proper prayer, you can remove their aggression. Also, with the dua, it is too good to have counseling for kids as these modern techniques matter the most.
Allah will handle the rest. The stubborn nature of your child can be for many reasons. Thus, all you have to do is to try and understand. Therefore, no matter what, don’t lose your temper. And, beating your child is not the solution. So, with dua, your acts do matter in this regard.
The Procedure of The Dua For The Aggressive Child
First and foremost, pray to Allah diligently. And tell him about your worries. Also, your handling of the child matters the most. You should recite the following dua, day and night. Inshallah, the aggression of your child will go away. Thus, there is as follows:
“Audhubillahiminashaitwanirrajeem.” As a result, all the aggression from your child will go away in no time. Ameen.
FAQ About Dua For Child Behaviour
What Dua To Read For Disobedient Child?
If your child is naughty. And go on to disrespect you in all forms. Also, if he does that on purpose. Then all you can do is to deal with them right. Your handling of the issues matters here. Furthermore, don’t make your child do anything as an imposition. And, when they want to play, let them. Remember that our kids love works on them. Moreover, as parents, you are more concerned about punishment. So, when your child disobeys, you go on with penalty. Therefore, Allah is kind, and so you should be. With dua, a little understanding is all you need. The procedure of the dua: • First, offer the Namaz. • Then, read the Durood Shareef for the three times. • Now read the Surah Kausar 3 times. • Again, end this with the Durood Shareef by reading it three times. After that, pray to Allah. Thus, your child will start obeying you. May Allah keep your child always in your favor. Ameen.