Dua To Keep Husband Under Control

Dua To Keep Husband Under Control

March 17, 2020 amliyate 0

Dua To Keep Husband Under Control

Dua To Keep Husband Under Control or to change husband heart can be use for husband love. We will provide you solution about how to control husband anger in Islam?

Which Dua Use To Keep Husband Under Control?

Is your husband ignoring you? Is he not listening to you at all? In that case, we are sure you are having a traumatic time. But do you want to suffer this way for life?

We are sure you want a better understanding of your husband. Therefore, make use of the dua to keep the husband under control. This dua will help in making your husband listen to you. Now let us check the dua to keep the husband under control. First of all, say the durood sharif.

Say it seven times. Next, you have to say the dua from the Quran. You have to read Chapter 16 of the Holy Quran – Ayat number – 19. Make sure that you read it 100 times. Next, read the durood sharif once again seven times. Finally, pray to the Almighty that your husband must come under your control.

The dua to keep the husband under control will help you in many ways. For example, your husband will listen to you. You will gain control of your husband, and he will listen to all that you tell him. But there are some rules that you have to follow.

Dua To Keep Husband Under Control
Dua To Keep Husband Under Control

First of all, you must not have ill intentions when you say the dua. Next, use it only if your husband is troubling you. Finally, follow the process correctly. You will surely get the desired results from this dua.

Which Dua Use To Change Husband Heart?

Dua To Change Husband Heart, There comes a time in a marriage when the husband may lose interest in his wife. You may be experiencing the same thing. For example, your husband may be ignoring you. Or he may not be loving you like before. But do not get disheartened. The dua to change the husband’s heart can change the things for better.

You may be wondering how the dua to change husband’s heart can help? First of all, it will help to get the love of your husband. Next, your husband will listen to you. He will pay attention to your needs. But if you use this dua with wrong things in mind, then it will not give results. Therefore, you always have good ideas and positive thoughts in your mind. Only then you will get results.

Let us see the procedure for the dua to change husband heart. First note down the aayat that you have to say. It is

“Wa Min Ayatihi An Khala Ka Lakum Min AnfusikumAzwajan Li TaskunuIlaihaWaJa’alaBainakumMawadDatanWaRahmatan Inna Fi Zalika La Ayatin Li KaumiYataFakkaroon”.

Now we will tell you the process. First, take some salt in your hands. Next, say Durood Sharif 3 times. Secondly, say the aayat that we have mentioned. This has to be told 100 times. Next, you have to say again, Durood Sharif. Yet, you have to say it three times. Finally, blow on the salt.

Now use this salt for cooking food for your husband. Make sure that your husband eats this food. Please have patience as the dua will take some time to show the effect. But the dua will help to get back your husband’s love.

Which Dua Use For Husband Love?

Dua for husband love, Every married woman only wants her husband’s love. We are sure you also wish for his love and attention. But it may happen that he does not love you. For example, he will not speak with you properly. Or he may put you down time and again. To overcome these problems and to get back husband love to use the dua for husband love.

There are two things that you can do for dua for husband love. First do, ablution. Next, do the IshaNamaz. Next, say

“Ar Rahim Taqadam Birakkatik Ealaa li Wamusaeadati fi AlhusulEalaa ma ‘Urid”

This you have to say 40 times. This process will help to get back the love of your husband. Now let us see the other process for dua for husband love. In this, you have to do fresh ablution. Next, you have to do two Nafil prayers.

Secondly, do the five prayers of the day. After this, recite HasbunAllahuwani`mal wakeel. This you must recite 40 times. Next, say Durood-e- Tunjeena 40 times. Finally, pray to the Almighty that you get back your husband’s love. You have to do this for seven days.

If you follow both these processes correctly, then you will get results. For example, your husband’s heart will melt. He will love you. There will be happiness between you and your husband. But you have to have lots of patience. Only then will you get the results.

FAQ About Dua To Keep Husband Under Control

How To Control Husband Anger In Islam?

If the husband is short-tempered and is always getting angry, then it can create problems for the wife. The anger can destroy your married life. It can also turn your relationship into an abusive relationship. Therefore, you have to find the answer to the question of how to control husband anger in Islam? We would like to say here that if you have faith in Allah and Islam, then you will get a solution for how to control husband anger in Islam? But for this, you must get correct guidance. Firstly, find a trustworthy Islamic expert. This expert will know duas and wazifas. He will check the problems. Next, he will give you the solution. If you follow his advice, then your husband will become calm. How to control husband anger in Islam is the only question is your mind, then try this simple process. Firstly, take a sweet dish. If you do not have sweets, then you can use water. Next, you have to say the dua Auzu Billahi Minash Shaitani Rajeem. Finally, you have to blow on the sweet or the water. Give this to your husband. Remember to follow this process as many times as possible. Next, have complete faith in Almighty. Secondly, pray to the Almighty to make your husband calm. In case this dua does not give you desired results, then you have only one option. That is to take help from an Islamic expert.

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